
Mentorship Program

The MVHRMA Mentor Program provides guidance to less experienced human resource practitioners and students majoring in HR. The MVHRMA Mentor Program has been created to address those needs by offering a way for mentors and protégés to locate each other.

Benefits of a Mentor Program

The Mentor Program provides opportunities for students and protégés to:

  • Explore the world of work through interaction with a HR professional

  • Apply textbook concepts to real life situations and gain knowledge from an experienced HR professional’s perspective

  • Develop and encourage personal and professional growth

  • Realize the value of networking

The Mentor Program benefits professionals by allowing them to:

  • Contribute to the professional development of the future HR workforce

  • Identify potential employees for their own organization

  • Help students and protégés begin successful careers

  • Give something back to the HR profession

Mentor Program Activities Available

  • Shadow day or half day at the mentor’s place of business.

  • Mentee observes a day of recruiting, attends a career fair or sits in on an interview session with mentor.

  • Mentor and mentee attend a MVHRMA chapter meeting together. Mentor introduces mentee to other HR professionals.

  • Mentor discusses common employee grievances and issues, i.e., sexual harassment and substance abuse, and explains how issues are handled.

  • Mentee attends a company-training program with the mentor.

If you would like to be a mentor, please complete the application form.

If you are a protégé looking for a mentor, please complete the application form.

Questions may be directed to Jamie Clark, Education Advocate, at 740.588.1222 or jclark@zanestate.edu .